Sunday, May 16, 2010

This and That

First up, I am giving the pattern ladies a little rest. I do not want them to get stale. I love them too much for that. I observe a lot of feline emotion around here and jealousy is definitely an emotion they have. When Claude wants attention, Ollie suddenly remembers that he wants attention too. Then, the two of them try to see which one of them can get in front of the other both vying to be in front for my attention. I have witnessed anger too. Something that seems to really get their goats is when one of them nips the other one in that tender area of the back of the thigh. You know, the real meaty part. Anger erupts like a bottle rocket when that happens. Just some little inane observations I have made.

This time when I was making this, I was watching or I should say 'listening' to the television. Have you ever noticed how you can really grasp the level of an actor's ability when you cannot see their face or gestures just only when you hear the lines? When you cannot see them but only hear them, if they cannot sell you whatever it is they are going on about, they are not that good. Oh yeah and another part that bothered me during this particular movie that I was listening to and sometimes watching, this one actor who may or may not wear a toupe (he says he doesn't but everyone knows he does) got in a fist fight with another man and he came away from it with every hair in place. Fancy that!

And these, folks, are just a couple of the odd little thoughts that ricochet around in my head all day...along with this creative piece that is. I have noticed that I am developing my own style with these things. They are somewhat clean and predictable.


Linda Jacobs said...

This made me chuckle! I like how you superimposed the "window" over the picture. And, yes, I like the clean look to these, too!

Lisa said...

We have fun watching TV with the volume down and adding our own dialog. Hilarious!!

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