Did you read the book, 11/22/63 by Stephen King? If you did, you know one of Lee Harvey Oswald's addresses was on Mercedes Avenue in Fort Worth, Texas. I was over that way yesterday and took the opportunity to drive by his old address to take these photos with my phone. I do not imagine the area looks too much differently than it did at that time. However, the house he lived in is no longer standing. The only ghost remaining is an empty lot. Yet, nearby are many houses from that era still existing and being well lived in 50 years later.
Many times, I pass by the cemetery where he is buried. Someday, I might stop and take a picture of his grave to post here. I am fascinated by historic events even sad ones such as this tradgedy was.
Mercedes Avenue |
Houses from the era probably similar to his rental. |
Vacant lot where his rental stood. Old "Monkey Wards" warehouse to left in background with American flag on top. |
Empty lot across the street from his empty lot someone turned into an orchard. |
I absolutely loved that book and hated to see it end! Thanks for these visuals; that house is pretty much what I was picturing.
I too loved that book and it must be a testament to Stephen King's excellent writing that the place looks exactly like what I too pictured in my mind's eye.
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