Monday, April 16, 2012

He's Bold and He's Back!

Remember my "Old Aunt Cindy" animal tale about skanky 'possum? Well, he is is back and he is bold. No longer lurking about under cover of darkness, he now makes his appearance in broad open daylight. Not being an opossum authority, I suppose they really are not nocturnal creatures after all as I had once thought. At least, Skanky is not.
Jakey alerted me to his presence on the premises by almost having a conniption. Jakey was practically bouncing from one window to another trying desperately to catch a better view of Skanky. Plus, these creatures do not seem to have the careful, gracefulness of a cat. They are blundering bulls in china closets. This guy was out there banging and clanking like a loose anchor on the side of gale tossed ship!
Look at him eyeballing some left overs. Yuuummmeee!

That looks tastey!

Unrelated to anything written previously, a thought occurred to me this morning as I sat gazing at this picture while drinking my morning coffee. Considering my intense and chronic case of anglophilia, shouldn't this be the Tower Clock rather than the Eiffel Tower? I cannot help it. The Eiffel Tower is a beautiful thing! I can creep out from inside of my "English box" from time to time, right? Or is that considered cheating on my love?

Hope I am not cheating on the Tower Clock!

1 comment:

Linda Jacobs said...

Not cheating at all! If it makes your heart go pitta pat, it's worthy of your love.

Cool pictures of Skanky! The wildest I see around here are rabbits when I'm out for my walk.

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