Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Reflections of a Crazy Cat Lady

I have no she art to post. I have no pinterest additions. I have no polyvore creations. I only have thoughts. Boy, do I ever have thoughts! That is my downfall, I suppose. Anyway, I got to wondering this morning as I was addressing some envelopes. Yes, occassionally, I still have to mail something but only rarely. My stamps are parched, cracked and yellowed. They somewhat crumbled as I pulled them from their book. Anyway, I got to wondering...does a person's handwriting change? I suppose it does because mine sure has over the years. My writing used to be uniform and right slanted. Now, it is far more curly, flamboyant and straight up and down. I am not sure what that means other than yes, a person's handwriting does change.

Secondly, I have not made any she art lately but I have been contemplating it. I have decided that I like my first two primitive creations more than the well thought out second two creations. Something about the first two are more me because they were spontaneous. So I do prefer Christy's method more than the Julie Nutting method. Then, of course, I will try to meld the two methods and see what develops.

Thirdly, I never refer to myself as a crazy cat lady but that is exactly what I am. I do not know if that is a flaw. Maybe it is. Maybe it isn't but whatever it is, I embrace it. I am what I am. Like me or don't; that is my motto. If I had a family crest, that is what would be blasted across it. "Like me or don't." Either way, I am cool with it. Speaking of family, that reminds me of a piece of advice that my mother gave me a long time ago. Now know this, my mother is flawed like me. We come from a people that are far from perfect. Still, my mom could occassionally really give great piece of advice. Once she told me "no one ever has so many friends that they can afford to lose even one". She was right but still we do lose them, don't we? That is the nature of life. It rolls like a river and we move on. We try,we fail, we move on.

Could be Jakey but hair is too long and no flame on nose.

This really could have been Henri as a tyke though!


Linda Jacobs said...

Nice, rambling post! I like your voice: wry and good natured!

I love postage stamps and bought some new ones yesterday. I still write to my friend almost every day and use the stamps as artwork, adding stickers and matching the ink to it. Silly, I know, but fun!

Those bunny/cat pictures are adorable! Did you see Amy's post with the cats today?

Cindy said...

Linda, I am so glad you enjoyed my post. Sometimes I have that Ricky Gervais sense of humor and some people do not get it. Glad you do!

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