Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Fox

Today was a beautiful day. Only a week ago, it was snowing up a blizzard. Today was like spring which got me to thinking about nature. I love foxes. I think they are beautiful. I love their red coats. They make funny sounds too that kind of sound like crying women. I stepped outside of my box and used a fox rather than a cat for the focal point. These song lyrics are from a song by EJ and BT. I was thinking about EJ today because he has been speaking his mind again which always stirs up controversy. That is him. That is who he is. Why is it everyone always reacts to it though? They fall for it everytime. So easily led down the primrose path, some are. What did I do every evening before I started making these digis??? Must have been dishes, or laundry or vacuuming or something that is going lacking presently.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I like all the random in this one.

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