Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Tuesday-Visiting with Mother Nature

I have found that the weather in Texas is somewhat conflicted. Sometimes when the calendar reflects that it truly is winter, the weather wants to 'act like' summer. The seasons really are on the verge of a change so I was not very surprised to find that today was one of those conflicted days. While getting ready for work this morning, I could hear a cardinal singing. I had seen a family of robins in the yard just a few days ago. However, when I walked outside to look for Sugarplum (cat), it was snowing. I created this to reflect the hope I have that spring will prevail even though old man winter is trying to hang on for a short while longer.


Linda Jacobs said...

I like that fuzzy snowflake in the background! I'd give anything to hear a robin! I think that same snow you had today will be hitting us later this week.

Lisa said...

This has been a wretched winter, has it not??

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