Saturday, June 5, 2010

Adventures in Photoshop

I was going to try something fairly complex in photoshop tonight but I was too tired. Therefore, I opted for a simpler tutorial with lighting effects. Just when I began this post, a cat fight broke out on my back porch so I had to go out there and break it up. We have a large feral population in the neighborhood. Mostly at this point in time, they are largely all spayed or neutered. However, I do believe a new breeding female has arrived on the scene which is causing discord in the packs or herd or pride or whatever a bunch of them are called. Rather than putting a ghostly rider in this photo, I should have added a ghostly cat or maybe a pack of ghostly cats. Which reminds me, have I ever mentioned that it scares the bejeepers out of Nigel when I sneeze? I think he thinks I am hissing at him. Silly cat.

1 comment:

Linda Jacobs said...

I like the mystical quality to this! I just read The Horse Boy and this image is perfect for it.

Love your cat story!