Monday, June 28, 2010

Tea Time

Do you like tea? I love tea. I find nothing more comforting than a nice, hot cup of tea in the afternoon. I love cream in my tea rather than lemon. I prefer coffee in the mornings but tea in the afternoons. However, I have never worn a hat such as these. Notice, not a pattern lady present anywhere!


Linda Jacobs said...

Beautiful tea set! I'm afreaid I'm not much of a tea or coffee drinker. Once in a while I'll have an herbal tea and occasionally a decaf coffee laced with a little Baileys on Sunday morning when I'm watching Sunday Morning. Mostly, I stick to water and a glass of wine in the evening.

Cindy said...

I wish I only stuck to water but coffee and tea are weaknesses for me. Ah, Irish coffee! That is a super dessert coffee! I wish I had some right now.