Have I mentioned this week how much I hate hot weather? I know it gets so old hearing it but I really, really do not like it. For some reason, my internal thermostat is so much hotter than most everyone elses. I do not perspire instead I sweat a river. I pour buckets. I am not embarrassed to say it because it is blatantly obvious to anyone that sees me. I can spend 20 minutes blow drying my hair completely dry just to step outside to sweat it completely soaking wet again within 5 minutes. It is a misery for me. This morning, I got up very early to do some alter work. I took a couple of pictures only because the flowers that were delivered today contained some lilies! The church I attend is over a hundred years old, therefore, need I say it? The air conditioning is retrofitted for a building never intended to be climatically controlled. And....well...it doesn't work so good. I had to work alone today so it took me two and a half hours to get three alters set for tomorrow. I was a wet dish rag by the time I had all of the work complete. By 11 am, it was hotter than blue blazes outside. I knew it was a necessity to stop by the local large retail mart type store. I could no longer postpone. These cats I share my home with do not understand 'we have no litter'. I was so NOT looking forward to it. I had to park on the far side of the parking lot as it seems it was a necessity for the other seven million people here to visit the local mart type store too. I managed the long, hot trek into the building. Ahh! Air conditioning! I spent about an hour in the store shopping then another hour in the line to check out (This is no exaggeration-I read three magazines) all the while dreading the long hot trek back to the boiling hot car. Have I mentioned that my car is all black on the inside? It creates a type of "preview of hell" effect when I open the door. But when all is said and done, somehow I managed to get all of my chores done and I survived it! I must admit though that I have spent the large part of the afternoon reading underneath my soaring ceiling fan. If I could just live like a vampire, only coming out at night, maybe I could stay here. I really do have to go out in the day though so that is not an option at this point in time. Yes, one day, to a cooler climate I will go.
Isn't this a beautiful alter?
Wow, that is a gorgeous altar! I was brought up Irish Catholic and our church had wonderfully ornate altars that I would just stare at all during mass.
Yesterday we went to a Red Sox game in sweltering Boston and our seats were in the 90 degree sun. Talk about sweating buckets!
Linda, that reminds me of a time when my boss took us out to the ball game as a treat in the 100 degree afternoon. I very nearly died! He ended up letting me go back to work to end my torture. LOL!
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