Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Universe

The universe is a big place, isn't it? I love to sit outside at night just to stare up into the sky. No matter how old I become, my awe of this spectacular creation never lessens. In fact, my awe grows as I age because my own creative abilities are so very limited. I have a funny little comparison of Nigel's world to my world. Nigel's world is this house. My world is the planet Earth. To Nigel, I am the god of this house. He understands me just about as much as I understand my own creator. There is one obvious difference. Nigel can see me. He does not have to ponder my existence. I know so little of my own creator. Instead, my beliefs are based on faith and only on faith. However, this much I know is fact and that is that everything I do here is for Nigel's own good. I know the same is true for me. I really doubt that Nigel thinks that when I get that scary vacuum cleaner out that I am doing that for his good yet I am. I want him to have a clean home. I am sure events in my world that I do not understand and seem frightful are the same. In the end, it is all for good. To those that doubt what they cannot see I say that there was a time when no one had seen an atom, yet atoms still existed. Just because we have not seen it 'yet' does not mean that there will never come a time when it will be seen. These are my planets. As I said already, my creative abilities are so limited.


Linda Jacobs said...

Love the blurriness in the bottom one and the colors of both are so vivid. Nice words, too! I like your metaphor!

Cindy said...

The bottom one was my favorite too!