Saturday, June 26, 2010


Time is a very precious thing.We have not a moment to waste. Even when I am doing the hum drum such as the laundry, I try to find a way to get into it and enjoy it. I am not sure why I mention that except that I really enjoyed making this piece. I like how it turned out. I am giving the pattern ladies a rest for awhile. I need to branch out a little. They will come back eventually because I love them so much. Maybe I will give them the summer off.


Linda Jacobs said...

Here's a secret: I love doing laundry expecially when I can hang it outside. If the wind is blowing, I love to smell the fresh scent and see everything dancing. Shhhh...don't tell!

Beautiful music! My daughter played sax all through school and this brought back memories of that.

Cindy said...

I actually love hanging my sheets out to dry too. I love the fresh scent too. Plus, I try to grab every opportunity not to use the dryer if I can!