Monday, June 14, 2010

Steeplechase Dream

I have awesome dreams in glorious, amazing technicolor. I can easily dream of people that I have never met. In fact, some people I have never met consistently show up in my dreams. Usually, my dreams are good ones but occassionally there are frightening ones. From the numerous amount of times that I have blogged about my dreams, you should be able to tell that it is a sort of interest of mine. I find not only my dreams fascinating but other people's as well. Someone recently told me that he often dreamed of his teeth falling out. I have never had that dream yet I have heard it is one of the most common themes in dreams. Whatever causes that dream is not a factor in my personality. Many people dream of the ability to fly. I have only ever had that dream one time and it was fairly recently. I often dream of being 'tracked' or 'chased'. So long story short, not only what you dream about is important in understanding yourself but the absence of themes is also a key factor in understanding your subconscious. This depicts a dream the lady has of owning a horse in a steeplechase. This is the kind of dream I would have. Sometimes they can start out bright and cheery but end on a dark note.


Linda Jacobs said...

I love all the blurriness! It has a dream-like quality.

This is crazy but I often dream that I'm a little girl and walking down the street without a shirt on, trying to cover myself. Kind of scary when I think about what that says about me!

Cindy said...

Linda, that is not a bad dream...sometimes it only means you have a childhood secret.