Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Oddities of Dreams

Last night, I had a dream. In the dream, I am riding a bicycle and I must say with much exertion. I am thinking "For crying out loud, riding a bicycle is much harder than I recall!" I struggle. I huff and puff. I make it up a hill. At the hilltop is a high school and I think "Finally! I am here at school!". Woops. I see a school bus full of young high school students.I feel embarrassed. I wish to shrink in my skin. I look down at myself. I think "Bet they are all laughing at me for having to ride this old bicycle to school." Not until I woke up did I realize that I had not worried about them laughing about an over 50 year old woman still going to high school. Maybe it is a regular occurrence for a woman to be held back 30 plus years. Anything is normal in the dream world. Naturally, I try to interpret it. Once I read that a car in a dream is your ability to navigate through life. Does the fact that I am on a bicycle mean that I have really hit the skids in my abilities? Does it mean that I am trying to attain some sort of balance? Actually, it means I have been reading too much young adult literature. There is a movie coming out at the end of the month and I wished to read this third installment of the book before I see the movie. Reading young adult literature is a sort of guilty pleasure for me. I do enjoy the innocence and simplicity of some of it but at the same time I am constantly critiquing the holes in this particular story and the missed opportunities to make it better. Oh well, she is still a millionaire and I am not so what do I really know about it anyway? Not much.


Linda Jacobs said...

Sounds like one of my school dreams! Most of the time I'm standing in front of a classroom of kids who won't listen to me. I'm so happy when I wake up!

Linda Jacobs said...

Me, again. Guess what? I had a school dream last night! Thanks a lot! LOL I don't remember too much of it but I had a really rough class and there were about 50 kids in it. More of a nightmare, really!

Cindy said...

Linda, that is so funny! I must have planted the seed in your mind!